I created the "Born This Way Blog" because I wanted to give LGBTQ adults a
platform to share their growing up gay or "different" stories. Many of you may not have had the words or understanding to express those feelings as a child, so this is a safe space where your adult self can tell your story in the present.
My ultimate goal with the blog is to help chip away the stone of homophobia,
show that being gay has never been a choice - and to help humanize, personalize,
and globalize what our experiences are/were as children growing up LGBTQ.
And if my blog helps stop even just ONE person from taking their own life, or feeling bad or ashamed or unloved, then I feel I've achieved a major goal.
This video of me from CNN.com also explains how the blog came to be:
I'll add that I am in no way officially affiliated with Lady Gaga - except to say
I am in 100% solidarity with the powerful messages of pride, love, and self-acceptance that she is putting out to the world through her music and activism.
I think she's an amazing artist, and I hope she's as proud of my blog as I am.
Some of the pix here feature boys with feminine traits, and some girls with masculine traits. However, there's even more kids with NONE of those gender-opposite traits. Just like real life, the LGBTQ kids here come in all shades and layers of masculine and feminine.
And the people on my blog are simply representing - and owning - all those various shades. But, without the shame or guilt that society has assigned to those traits. And my blog isn't trying to represent the entire LGBTQ community. It is simply celebrating the self-pride and self-acceptance of each person posted here.
Also note: Every photo is self-submitted and chosen solely by that person - with no form of encouragement for a certain "type" of pic. Except, one that the SUBJECT thinks represents them best.
Thus, the "Born This Way" blog is not about furthering stereotypes.
It is, simply: 'This is me and this is my story' - in living color and black & white.
And this blog only speaks for each person here, as their nature and their truth.
But perhaps "BTWB" is a statement in sociology. As you'll see - time after time - their sexual orientation was simply NOT a choice. Exactly the same way straight kids can't choose their sexual orientation either. So for all those religious and political leaders still blathering that "being gay is a choice" nonsense? S T F U !
"Nurture works on what nature endows"
- David G. Meyers, Hope College
And the sooner we teach all children that being gay is as normal (and natural)
as being straight, the sooner the LGBTQ kids of today will feel loved and accepted. We can't change the past, but we CAN shape the future. And yes, pay it forward and make it BETTER for the next generation. I feel it is our duty.
Many thanks!
Paul V., "Born This Way" Blog creator
If you're a young LGBTQ person who needs love and support, there are people
waiting - and wanting! - to help you! So please call - 1-866-488-7386
If you're already here, please lend your support to The Trevor Project.
Take a moment to see and hear us as beautiful gay adults at It Gets Better
Also, please check out the "Help & Resources" links on the right --->
To submit your photo & story:
Click HERE or on the "SUBMIT YOUR STORY" button up top,
and follow the instructions. I welcome all of you!
Any copy or version of this blog and its concept (created in any language), or re-copying full stories/text and pictures from this blog - without prior contact and permission of this blog - constitutes copyright infringement.
Press stories or other blogs writing about this site - including using images from this blog - is permitted. But we reserve the right to not allow certain reprintings. Just please include source credit and URL link back to - http://www.BornThisWayBlog.com
Copyright PJV513, LLC -"Born This Way" Blog 2011-2022