Showing posts with label Charlie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie. Show all posts

January 15, 2011


Charlie, age 9
Santa Clara, CA (1979)

My family often went to the Great America theme park when we visited my Grandparents, who lived not far from the park. I enjoyed those trips. My Grandmother was very good to me and my sisters throughout our somewhat stormy childhoods.

I always knew I was different. And when I was this age, I refused to let my mother cut my hair over my ears.

I had a very particular - and perhaps too matchy-matchy - sense of personal style (note the socks), and I knew I had good legs. I still do.

I was a fey and immature child, and I was probably truly excited to see this Petunia Pig character.

Though I don’t remember this picture being taken.

I do remember being very young and wondering why everyone was so sure I was a boy, because I wasn't convinced.

I was always the class sissy at every school I went to, and very much bullied and picked on. Visiting relatives was always a nice vacation from all that...
I look happy in this picture, and I'm glad, because I don’t remember my childhood as especially happy. I was gay and lonely, and we were poor, and there were "problems at home."

Mostly, I feel tenderness for this silly boy. He has some very rough years ahead, but everything turns out pretty good - after a while.