Showing posts with label Felipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Felipe. Show all posts

January 11, 2011


Felipe, age 4
Los Angeles, CA (1983)

This picture was taken in the backyard of my parents' home.
My sister and I were posing for the camera, my dad was behind it.


During this time I remember all I wanted to do was be like my older sister,
I admired her so much then - and still do to this day. I always knew I was gay and learned to embrace it at a young age.

This picture brings back so many good memories of spending time with my older sister. I still was unaware of how challenging being gay would turn out to be.

Felipe's first, famous-person same sex crush:
Andres Garcia (Mexican actor)
Entre Tamales y Sementales Hombres Y Machos: Masculinity And Latino Culture Posing For The Camera: A Professional Guide For The Creative Model, Director And Photographer From Boys to Men: Gay Men Write About Growing Up