Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

January 12, 2011


Robert, age 2
Lakeville, Massachusetts (1970)

This photo was taken in my parents' first apartment in rural Massachusetts. That's my older brother next to me dressed as a pumpkin. Obviously it's Halloween, and I'm 2, so I can't take too much credit for the first stab at drag.

It took a lot of cajoling to get my Mother, who is not amused by my love for this photo, to explain why she would dress her two year old son as a girl for Halloween. Finally she admitted, 'When you were a baby, everyone thought you were a girl, so your Father and I thought it would be funny to dress you as one for Halloween. End of story.'

Maybe I didn't pick the outfit, maybe I didn't tie the kerchief - but that extended pinkie is all mine!

I first started to notice I wasn't the same as other boys in 3d grade - playing with dolls at recess with the girls, not playing sports, generally being a loner.
It was really 7th grade, when puberty started to hit, that I knew I was attracted to boys.

Honestly, until the age of 18 I thought it was something I was going to grow out of. Then I turned 18 and realized I wasn't going to grow out of it.

Robert's first, famous-person same sex crushes:
Willie Aames and Christopher Atkins in "Blue Lagoon"

Click here - "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
Click here - "My First Gay Crush Blog"


Marcello, age 5
Fort Collins, Colorado (1979)

"I Was Made For Loving You, Baby!"

My loving mother made me the costume and my loving father made me the boots!

At a very early age I knew I was not like the other kids in my neighborhood.

I felt like an outcast and listening to KISS made me feel like I belonged.

And was larger than life.

When I look at this photo now, I see a young and fearless Rock 'N Roller.

Marcello's first, famous-person same sex crush:
Tim Curry in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
And I still have a crush on Frank N. Furter now

Click here - "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
Click here - "My First Gay Crush Blog"