February 10, 2011


Tom, age 8
Mercer Island, Washington (1974)

Here I am with my little sister at Disneyland, striking a quick drag queen pose.
A favorite pose of mine when I did drag later in life, but I'm surprised how early it started! This photo is especially funny, as my first celebrity crush at age 5 was Mickey Mouse, and I used to be intensely jealous of Minnie Mouse whenever I saw her. I'm glad to see that I got over my resentment.

My dad just sent me old Super 8 home movies on DVD, and there was a lotta gay in me from early on. One 10-minute clip is devoted to older family members trying to teach me to run - without swishing my arms at age 2. They were trying to erase the gay at age 2! Bless their little, caring, fearful hearts.

We moved to a neighborhood across the lake when I turned 5-years old, and I have vivid memories of being gay and wanting to marry some of my close boy friends, even at that age. The feelings start pretty early sometimes. I'm quite confident that I was born this way, and happily so.

But I wish I could have discussed this with my parents. Or with anybody! Whenever the topic of sex, love, and romance came up in my presence, there’d be a kind of painful, frozen silence. Everybody practiced 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' with me. As a result, I was a little behind on the learning curve when it came to seeking healthy gay relationships, rather than acting out a slutty gay stereotype.

But, I'm learning - a lot. And feelin' more normal than ever. The gradual acceptance by society helps. Still, as most of you know, the long road to acceptance starts within.

My first celebrity crush with a human was actor Terry Thomas, which lasted for many years. I had a recurring erotic fantasy where I would crawl through the gap in his front teeth, and fall asleep curled up on his tongue. I so loved his lisp.

Tom's first, famous-person same sex crush:
Terry Thomas

Click here - "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
Click here - "My First Gay Crush Blog"
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Lex, age 6
Grand Junction, Colorado (1978)

Here I am, as Johnny Scott - the name I'd given to myself from 5 to 9 years old. I had it ironed on a few t-shirts, and even on my Rocky Balboa gold-satin boxing robe that my mom sewed me. We couldn't afford more fabric, so it was just a single-ply "Johnny Scott" embroidered on the right breast.

My parents were the best, fully indulging me in my Johnny Scott persona.

He was basically a beefed-up, snarkier, more lewd version of myself. Johnny Scott flirted with the cocktail waitresses at my mom's restaurant, and dad used me as girl-bait at the college pool:

'Isn't he cute?
So, where you ladies from?'

Interests back then included: Faye Dunaway, small arson projects, Ali McGraw, discarded cigarettes, Annette Jimenez and Tina Hawley (1st grade crushes), Sha-Na-Na, The Fonz, Sly Stallone, and BMX bicycles.

I also liked shaving. While my mom took the blade out of the razor, she bought me my own shaving cream.

My first real crush was Kara Madsen, a classmate. We'd kiss like John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John did in "Grease," in that way where John put his finger under her chin, and drew her near.

Yup, Johnny Scott had a good time back in the day, and he was loved by many.

Click here - "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
Click here - "My First Gay Crush Blog"
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Sonia, age 10
E. Hartford, CT (1980)

This was taken at Parrot Jungle in Miami, on a rare visit to see my father.
I remember always liking rainbows. "Mork & Mindy" was a popular TV show when I was a kid, and I'd gotten the same rainbow suspenders that Mork wore, and I'd wear them with a dark green and purple-striped velour jersey top.

"Rainbow Child!"
People in my family would laugh at my fashion choices, as I used to go through phases of wearing only dresses, and alternately only pants.

My first celebrity crush was Olivia Newton-John. After I saw her in "Grease" as the hottie in leather at the end of the movie, I was hooked. Then I got one of her records and would just stare at her for what seemed like hours. I alternately wanted to be her and have her.

Girls were my first loves, then boys when I hit puberty, then back to the girls. Now I confidently identify as queer, and engage in relationships with people whom I find lovable and worthy of my time and attention.

As encouragement to gay kids, I'd say:

Be proud of who you are. Express yourself as best as you can, and find the people who love and support your individuality. Be proud to be different!

And hang in there, as life gets better with age and experience. Be strong, be kind, and be gentle with yourself. You are lovable and precious. Celebrate!

Sonia's first, famous-person same sex crush:
Olivia Newton-John
Back to Basics: The Essential Collection 1971-1992 Mork & Mindy - The Complete First Season 


Leigh, age 8
Baltimore, MD (1978)

I grew up in a household of two women, my mother and my grandmother, so I was always surrounded by all things fashionable and artsy. It didn't help matters that my mom was an artist and heavily involved in the local art community where we lived in Philadelphia.

I remember being with mom, watching her orchestrate and choreograph fashion shows for the local community during summer vacations. Sometimes I'd get myself on stage too, and do a little runway show of my own.

Mom loved this, of course, and she'd set me up with an outfit to wear, and send me on my way.

Years later, my grandmother told me how I always knew how to charm people - especially the men and other boys - and that was why she always kept a close eye on me.


Sean, age 3
Upland, CA (1976)

I had a young mom (she was 19 when I was born), and she of course still liked to chill and be 'mellow in the 70's' with her friends when I was young. One of her friends had a son named Perry, that I remember I just wanted to kiss so badly.
I remember thinking 'I like him, I want to kiss him on the mouth' - and so, I did.

In the process, I knocked his 2-year old sexiness down to the ground! My mom and her friends just thought this was a riot, so they snapped a couple of pics.
Were they high? I'm not sure she would ever admit that, if so! LOL!

Anyhow, I remember thinking those thoughts and remember that I liked this kiss from Perry. And I wanted more. So in the years following, I 'made out' with a few other little boys until about 7, when kids start getting weird.

I'd have to wait another 7 years for my next boy-on-boy kiss.

Sean's first, famous-person same sex crush:
Robert Urich (in "Vegas")

I watched the reruns at 12, and thought Dan Tana cruising the strip was hot!
Vegas: Season One (Vol. 1 & 2) The ABC's of Kissing Boys They Called Him Tin Tin


Luke, age 3
Flagler Beach, Florida (1989)

I know this photo was taken on a vacation while visiting my uncle’s family. Sadly, I have no recollection of what was occurring at that moment. So in the hopes I was as much like Stewie Griffin as I'd like my younger self to have been, I imagine I must have been aghast due to something about a family member. Such as whenever I was with my uncle's family, I recall pondering over the absurdity of the millions of varicose veins that painted my older aunt's legs.

I discovered I was gay when I was age 12, but I spent the next 11 years doing everything I could for this not to be the case.

Why? Because I was the golden child in my family.

And the pressure to be perfect screwed with my desire for personal happiness.

Plus, I went to a private school where the students' mantra was, 'Kill anything which might seem queer, overweight, ugly, or dorky'.

And I would have been bully fodder, if my appreciation of the "Sailor Moon" series was exposed. But nowadays, I feel I've made a complete 180 change in the way I look at the fact that I’m gay.

What worked helping me, and what I recommend for young gays is:

1) Come out to a fellow gay who doesn’t pose any risk. I didn’t even really know the first person I told my "secret" to would end up being an incredible mentor. And who helped me more than he knows.

2) Fall in love! It's incredible when the desire to publicly express your feelings for someone outweighs your biggest fear.

Luke's first, famous-person same sex crush:
Mario Lopez (But only while acting as Olympic diver Greg Louganis)

Click here - "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
Click here - "My First Gay Crush Blog"
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