February 13, 2011


Pierre, age 5
Quebec, Canada (1977)

This picture was taken inside our cabin in St. Donat, Quebec. It was Christmas morning, and I'd just woken up, very excited to get all my gifts.

I sat down beside the fireplace, and my mother couldn't believe my pose! LOL! She asked me not to move, and she took the shot.

I remember starting to feel different around 7 or 8-years old. I just wasn't interested in the same things the other boys my age were.

I'm now 39, and fully enjoy my life. I have amazing parents that always showed me how to be a great person, and to embrace whatever makes us different.


Rachael said...

I love it. The look on your face is adorable. What a great mom you have.

Gr8tScot said...

Babe you look just like your mom too!

Chroniqueur said...

Bravo, Pierre ! Ta courte histoire rend la vie plus belle et le monde meilleur, sois-en certain ! T'étais un beau petit bonhomme :-)